Faith and Worship

Worship open to all religions

作为一所天主教大学,信仰是圣乔治大学的重要组成部分. Ambrose University mission.

校园部为我们所有的学生提供各种各样的机会, regardless of faith background, 在他们的信仰中成长,更多地了解他们的信仰传统和其他人的传统.

从圣经讨论小组和音乐和礼仪事工, to ecumenical prayer services and daily and Sunday Mass, 所有galaxy银河娱乐场app人都有机会来发展他们的信仰生活.

mass in the grotto

Liturgical Ministry

Uniting Our Community

Liturgies help unite the St. Ambrose University community, remind us of our call to be Christ to one another, and to serve in this world. 我们欢迎每个人参加主日和平日的礼拜仪式.

Our liturgies are student-focused and student-led. 与教区不同,我们的礼拜堂仅为学生和大学的需要而存在. 我们的学生有各种各样的礼仪事工:

  • Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
  • Readers of the Word
  • Altar Servers and Sacristans
  • Ushers and Greeters

We provide training for all of our liturgical ministers. 学生可以在学年开始时或在学期结束前在兴趣卡上报名参加志愿者活动 contacting us to learn how to get involved.

Faith and Worship

Music Ministry



音乐事工是由学生志愿者组成,他们通过音乐来活跃礼拜仪式. 学生有机会担任歌曲的领唱和领唱, sing as a member of the choir, 并发挥他们作为伴奏和乐器演奏家的才能来支持galaxy银河娱乐场app的歌曲.

在学年的星期天弥撒中有学生合奏团. 学生也协助音乐的日常弥撒,特别是弥撒和更多. 全年还有其他机会在特别的礼拜仪式和祈祷仪式中领唱音乐.

Quad Cities Places of Worship

Quad Cities是一个幸运的galaxy银河娱乐场app,拥有许多不同的宗教, houses of worship, and religious organizations.

Please visit the 四城商会网站上面有一份详尽的礼拜地点列表.

Prayer Services

Mass times are posted on the Campus Ministry main page.

除了主日的礼拜仪式外,本学年每个工作日都有弥撒. 这些弥撒通常是为了纪念已故的校友, for a student's family or friends, or for a member of the St. Ambrose University community who is in need or prayers.

我们也努力提供各种祷告服务,以满足学生的需要. 从诸如圣餐崇拜和玫瑰经的实践中, 到像泰泽祷告、赞美和桥圣经团契敬拜音乐这样的普世敬拜, 校园事工希望为学生提供各种各样的祷告机会. 在这一年里,人们还会为一些特定的事件提供祈祷服务,比如为和平祈祷.

我们提供一个大型的和解祈祷服务每学期一次, during Advent in the fall, and Lent in the spring. 星期三晚上有个人告解的机会,也可以预约神父. Ross Epping. We are always interested in student ideas for services. 


Discernment: Answering the Call

All people have a vocation, 善用他们的恩赐和才能为神服务, others, and the world.

有正式和非正式的方式,其中识别发生与校园事工. Our retreat programs, especially the New Student Retreat and Senior Retreat, encourage students to think about their future, both during their time at SAU and after graduation. 学生也可以与随时待命的校园牧师交谈和祷告. Furthermore, 校园事工的许多项目,如礼仪和音乐事工, youth and retreat ministry, 服务工作可以为我们的学生开辟未来的职业道路,并使他们更多地参与教会.

我们也鼓励学生考虑作为牧师或宗教姐妹或兄弟生活的宗教职业. 我们的忙碌的学生静修带来了精神指导与我们的学生一对一的工作. 许多这些向导也担任他们特定教区或修会的圣召主任. As a diocesan university, 我们亦与达文波特教区紧密合作,鼓励教区内的宗教圣召.

请务必与我们联系,如果你是辨别宗教生活的召唤, 或联络所属教区的圣召主任:

Diocese of Davenport Vocations
Archdiocese of Dubuque Vocations
Archdiocese of Chicago,

Spiritual Direction

Do you have a desire for a deeper relationship with God? Do you want to develop your prayer life? Are you discerning a decision or direction in life? Do you wonder where God is in the midst of your joys, struggles, grief, addiction, relationships or feelings?

Tammy Norcross-Reitzler and Fr. Ross Epping是训练有素的属灵导师,并愿意与学生会面以获得属灵指导. 感兴趣的学生通常每个月与精神导师见面一次,大约一个小时. 他们致力于关注他们对上帝的经历,并与他们的精神导师谈论这些经历.

To schedule a spiritual direction appointment, email

The Sacraments

College can be a time of great transitions for students, 校园事工旨在为学生的属灵旅程提供服务,并欢迎他们做出新的承诺.


天主教徒的婚礼可以在基督国王教堂举行. Ambrose University students and alumni, 我们为新人提供机会,为婚姻圣事做准备.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

适合非天主教徒但有兴趣了解天主教信仰的学生, 我们提供全年的成人基督教启蒙仪式(RCIA)计划.

Through discussion, learning, and prayer, 学生发现更多关于天主教会和它的教导,并有机会在复活节完全进入天主教信仰.



Students meet and prepare during the season of Lent, after which they are confirmed at Easter in the chapel.


Tammy Norcross-Reitzler

Campus Ministry
Lower Chapel
518 W Locust St.
Davenport, IA 52722

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